Crime victim and witness offices: intergovernmental cooperation requirements in providing services expanded
Act 310
Crime victim and witness surcharges: limit on use of funds revised [Sec. 1029] -
Act 27
Graffiti ordinance violations and parental responsibility -
Act 262
Hit and run pedestrian victims made eligible for crime victim compensation awards -
Act 153
Juvenile court record information disclosure and victim notification -
Act 352
Juvenile justice code created -
Act 77
Juvenile justice code revisions -
Act 352
Prisoner escapes: notification of victims and witnesses -
Act 74
Restitution for read-in crimes -
Act 141
Restitution ordered by municipal court: limit increased -
Act 156
Restitution to sexual assault victims and certain child victims: payment for cost of necessary professional services permitted -
Act 161
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state -
Act 440
Stalking crime: victims eligible for compensation awards -
Act 374
Victim's service representative presence at all interviews and meetings authorized -
Act 220
Anti-drug enforcement spending authority revised; criminal record search fee modified [Sec. 1087r, x, 4457g-k, 9336 (2v), 9436 (2v)] -
Act 27
Background checks re kinship care and licensed and certified day care programs [partial veto] -
Act 289
Firearms possession by persons subject to certain injunctions restricted; entry of information into enforcement system; provisions re surrender and storage of firearms and release of information by DOJ -
Act 71
Handgun background check: information provided to law enforcement agencies in specific cases
Act 159
Dairy trade practice fee revised [Sec. 476k, 3602, 9404 (2)] -
Act 27
DATCP surcharges revised re unlicensed bulk milk tankers and retail food establishments [Sec. 3598, 3599]
Act 27
Commercial equipment or technology given to certain schools: civil immunity exemption created -
Act 112
Contact sports activities: liability standards for participants revised -
Act 447
Dogs causing injury or damage: penalties imposed on owners increased -
Act 181
Employer providing a reference for current or former employe: civil liability immunity created -
Act 441
Equine activities: civil liability immunity created -
Act 256
Insurance fraud: civil immunity created for persons who report -
Act 177
Personal injury actions: discovery of information re medical records permitted -
Act 345
Recreational use of property: owner's immunity from liability expanded re death of participant -
Act 223
Religious organizations: liability limitation created -
Act 260
Absconding without payment: laws expanded to cover taxicab service; civil action procedure for crime victim
Act 160
Agricultural activities alleged to be nuisances: law revised re zoning ordinances, available remedies and awards of costs -
Act 149
Archaeological features and natural resources: penalties modified for damage to -
Act 391
Boathouse damage repairs; certain exceptions provided [Sec. 1657zm, zq] -
Act 27
Dog damages to animals: livestock definition expanded; county board to set maximum amount by ordinance
Act 316
Dogs causing injury or damage: penalties imposed on owners increased -
Act 181
Equine activities: civil liability immunity created -
Act 256
Farm-raised deer and venison exemption from DNR regulation; revisions re slaughter license, fencing, dog damage, DATCP authority and bovine tuberculosis testing
Act 79
Fence construction re owner liability for damage done by horses, sheep and goats -
Act 148
Machines operated by insertion of coins, currency, debit or credit cards: intentional damage made a felony; civil damages permitted -
Act 133
Retail theft: civil actions against any minor or parent of a minor authorized -
Act 77
Rock art site: intentional criminal damage made a felony -
Act 208
Special civil actions for property damage or loss [Sec. 7147x, 7148c, 7223m] -
Act 27
Transmission facility excavation and damage procedures revised -
Act 135
Drug crimes prosecution: DOA funding required re assistant district attorneys [Sec. 9101 (5), (6)]
Act 27
Child welfare services transferred from Milwaukee county to DHFS: planning required; Milwaukee child welfare partnership council created; TPR and adoption resource pool; MA coverage and automated information system provisions; DOA duties set -
Act 303
ECB and U.W. Extension consolidation of services and functions: report on cost savings and efficiencies [Sec. 9117 (2g)] -
Act 27
Educational technology board created in DOA: duties defined; computers puchased by teachers for private use provided; distance education loan provisions [Sec. 95, 118m, p, 390m, 570m, 1071g, r, 1366m, 1368c, 1369m, 1370g, 1377g, 1378b, 1379b, 9101 (22g), 9159 (11g), 9445 (13g)] [118m — partial veto] -
Act 27
Electronic benefit transfer system for food stamp and other benefits created, program not implemented if certain conditions apply; county and tribal governing body participation optional; use of nontraditional retailers (farmers' markets); JCF to review -
Act 368
Electronic mail: penalties for abusive, harassing or obscene messages created -
Act 353
Information technology restructuring; optical imaging provisions; study of mainframe computer services at U.W. Madison [Sec. 14g, 31g-j, 32m, 33g, h, 41p, 288r, 412g, r, 413e-s, 414g, 416m, 467m, 1050o, 1079b, 1755p, 1762w-y, 7095m, 9101 (21g)-(21i), 9119 (1t), 9130 (14t), 9131 (1t), 9157 (2at), 9301 (4g)] [32m, 9101 (21ho) — partial veto; 288r, 467m, 1762x — vetoed] -
Act 27
Information technology strategic plans adoption by executive branch agencies [Sec. 415, 416] [415 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Occasional sales of motor vehicles: DOR database for auditing; contract for services permitted [Sec. 1112, 3437, 9148 (1)] -
Act 27
State information technology investment fund created; project funding provided [Sec. 360, 361, 413, 414, 419, 422, 467, 490, 517, 550, 557, 561, 565, 576, 608, 612, 618, 624, 626, 747, 759, 774, 781, 789, 797-800, 805, 961, 984, 1028, 1030, 1039, 1064, 1065, 1066m, 1078, 1091, 1095, 1097-1105, 1117, 1137, 1144, 1146, 1149, 1172, 1176, 1368, 1370, 1377, 1395, 9101 (2), 9157 (1), 9459 (1)] [419, 550, 1420, 9101 (2), 9459 (1) — partial veto; 422, 467, 798 — vetoed]
Act 27
Subscription service for prospective state vendors modified; bidders list and registration fee provision created
Act 351
Technology management, Division of, created in DOA; functions transferred from executive branch agencies; revision re justice information systems; JCF approval of plan [Sec. 102, 406-410, 417, 418, 420, 422m-428, 1052-1053n, 1061, 1066, 1145b, 1147, 4458, 7176, 7177, 7177m, 9144 (1), 9159 (12g), 9353 (1g), 9453 (1g)] -
Act 27
Uniform traffic citation and accident records: DOT authorized to contract re computer tape or other electronic media; report required -
Act 113
U.W. system instructional technology improvements: bonding authority revised -
Act 246
At-risk child care funds: order of priority eliminated [Sec. 2364-2366] -
Act 27
Background checks re kinship care and licensed and certified day care programs [partial veto] -
Act 289
Child care center financing: bonding authority extended; requirements revised -
Act 332
Child care economics: laws revised re school board contracts with day care centers, pupil transportation, outdoor play space, child care on other than first floor and kindergarten and prekindergarten programs -
Act 439
Child care overpayments: DHSS recovery of [Sec. 877, 879, 2372, 3094, 3098] -
Act 27
Child care programs: distribution of federal funds [Sec. 2354, 2357-2360] -
Act 27
Child care programs funded by federal grant: procedures and criteria revised [Sec. 951, 2373-2376, 2378-2386, 2388-2396, 2400-2402] -
Act 27
Child support, Bureau of, and Office of child care transferred from DHFS to DILJD -
Act 404
Day care for children of state employes: grant program eliminated [Sec. 1092, 6244] -
Act 27
Development opportunity or enterprise development opportunity zone provisions created; day care and environmental remediation credits established [Sec. 2879mn-ms, 3373t, 3377m-3381mm, 3393r, 3394mm, mp, 3395m, 3399f, 3399r-3403mm, 3404cgm-cm, 3406r, 3407m-3411mm, 3412rg, rr, 3438m, 3493m, 6895d, 6928c, 6933p, r, 6936p-s, v, 6939g, 9316 (1x), 9348 (6x), 9416 (4m)] [3377m, r, 3407m, r, — partial veto] -
Act 27
Development zone: program and job credits revised; provisions re day care, environmental remediation, research and W-2 tax credits [partial veto] -
Act 209
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